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Session 81:

This week finds our team starting a journey to the ruins of Shatterhorn searching for the surviving Cagewrights, since they previously had a camp there. Hilde summons some flying steeds, and Melgarin does some surviving to guide them in the right direction. They find what looks to be Shatterhorn surrounded by a fog that extends for 5 miles and a road on the west side that appears to lead to Shatterhorn. In a desire to serve up a Hero's Feast, Loskid rents a hotel room by the hour. It is quite unclear whether or not the Hero's Feast is effective, as when they enter the room, the party has to listen to the couple next door being very amorous.

After returning to the Shatterhorn, they land in the middle of the fog. After a bit, they come to a walled structure with what appear to be arrow slits cut periodically. After trying (unsuccessfully) to move silently, they come to a room with a wolf in it.

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Last time: Session 80
Next time: Session 82