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Session 80:

This week finds our adventurers back at their homes, where Hilde starts researching the cagewrights in the books they found while in the dungeon that contained the tree of shackled souls. Hilde goes to the library and finds a map and information indicating that the cagewrights have set up a camp in the forest. She figures that the striders are likely in red gorge and would have sufficient knowledge to point the team in the right direction. They teleport to Red Gorge, and let everyone know that the end of the world has been postponed.

The town of Red Gorge is having a major celebration of debauchery, less so as a celebration of the postponement, but more of just the fact that it is a day that ends in “y” and they're refugees. Loskid harasses (threatens?) the mayor while they try to figure out their next step in getting justice against the cagewrights. Then Loskid decides to mourn “Billy”'s death, though the group couldn't seem to remember him dying. Skellerang disagrees and informs Loskid that Billy is fine, though he's got his hands full with his family and the refugees, recommending that the group assists with keeping order and figures out how to get food to the refugees.

They locate one of the shopkeepers and talk them into selling them a scroll of magnificent mansion, but they have to help her go through her inventory (much of which they'd sold to her) to find the scroll. They do so, and she sells it to them, so Hilde can learn it. With the plan to head to Shatterhorn, Hilde starts learning the spell, Elanor goes hunting, Loskid researches the book on the smoking eye, and Melgarin hangs out nursing some ales. Hilde summons a bunch of Mansions, and feeds 2/3 of the refugees. They discover that the portal to the port of cauldron is still up and running, so the economy will recover…

Shackled City Home
Last time: Session 79
Next time: Session 81