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Session Date: 09-30-2022
Players: Josh, Mary, Chris & Logan
Background: The Building Inspectors are called on by Scurlock for a new score. To procure by any means a set of Mummy Hands.
The Score: The Building Inspectors head into the Lost District but have competition to get the Mummy Hands in a faction called the Silver Nails. The Building Inspectors beat the Silver Nails to the score and were able to collect the Mummy Hands. Left behind were fake Mummy Hands for the Silver Nails to find. Before escaping with the Hands, Needle ends up distracting the demon by making a bet (Needle's Heart against Demon's Knowledge) and loses (Roll 2D6 and lowest roll loses). They manage to escape from the demon before it is able to collect Needle's heart. They also manage to grab a bunch of collectables that were also in the same room as the Mummy Hands.
Post: Collect reward for the hands from Scurlock and reviewed what we collected.
Melfina over indulged and ended up taking in a mystery liquid (Leviathan Blood).