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The Building Inspectors Go To Prison

Session Date: 10-14-2022

Players: Josh, Mary, Maggie, Chris & Logan

Background: No fucking clue. We wanted to take over the prison. Ended up throwing a party instead.

The Score: Murash cuts the ropes holding the yacht in place, attracting a guard. He quickly wrecks the area making it enticing to ghosts and attempts to ske-fucking-daddle, getting shot in the process. The guard shoots off a flare as Murash disappears into the city getting others to come help him with the ghost problem.

To get on the good side of the warden/guards, Needle helps with the growing ghost problem.

Having successfully threw a party for “reasons”, the Building Inspectors decide to lead the party to the after party.

Post: Nothing was accomplished. This is what happens when we make plans to do something tired at midnight.

Melfina decides to take more Leviathan blood. Doing this, she has another vision and meets a Leviathan (Demon) named Jalgamath. She has the though of being a cult leader wanting attention and riches. She start to lose the connection but finds herself walking down a street in the eves by the silk shore and a voice that is of Lady Welker. (Dun dun DUN!!!!!!!)

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