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The Building Inspectors Get Beat

Session Date: 01-27-2023

Players: Josh, Mary, Maggie & Logan

Background: Attempting to pay off Needles debt of a heart to the demon they search him out.

The Score: Arriving at the location that reported unusual growth, they find the demon and Needle with his extra heart hands it over. Is is violently ripped from his chest, Needle visibly in pain. He takes the heart and squeezes the blood out on to a vine that seems to absorb it. The Building Inspectors follow the vines up a few floors and find a wall of vines preventing them from moving forward. After figuring out there is something strange behind the wall of vines they push through. The vines have thorns which draw blood from some of the Building Inspectors.

On the other side are several people with long spears along with Patrick Vale. The spears tips are imbued with magic that is specific to hurt members of the foundation. Needle tries to stop the ritual by performing a ritual to remove himself from being a member of the foundation but it is to late. The Building Inspectors are not able to stop the ritual.

Patrick Vale - The Building Inspectors find out that Patrick Vale found out that the Foundation welcomed in Vampire Hunters with Patrick himself being a vampire.

Post: The Building Inspectors are able to notify the Foundation that Patrick Vale is on his way and they are able to move the location of the Foundation. To be Continued….

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