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Confronting Patrick Vale

Session Date: 02-03-2023

Players: Josh, Mary, Maggie & Logan

Background: Continuation of last session.

The Score: The Building Inspectors are able to make their way to the Orb under the foundation by taking under ground tunnels. They arrive to find a Sun god is trapped in the orb. Questing the god, they are not able to determine if the Sun god is good or bad. Needle converses with the Sun god, Artemis is working to strengthen the seal holding the Sun god in the orb and Melfina converses with the her leviathan friend. Melfina convinces Jalgamath to remove her stress causing her to grow gills and scales. Patrick shows up and the Building Inspectors ask what his intentions are. They threaten to release the Sun god if he attempts to come any closer but promise to find out more about the Sun god before a rash decision is made.

Post: Patrick makes the decision to leave and does actually leave the island. Research is done into the Sun god and it looks like many attempts were made to release it by the foundation, but all had horrible consequences. For now, they will leave it sealed in it's current location. The Building Inspectors also learn that the Custodian died in the attack leaving the Building Inspectors in charge of the foundation.

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