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Chapter 1 - The Totally Believable Disguise

After Hilde was complaining about her brain hurting and just being lazy about wanting to “talk” with the soul pillars in the chamber of the Dracolich Vittriss Bale, the adventurers lead by myself decided to leave the underground and go back home. Everyone in the party was very grateful to me for coming up with the amazing plan to take down the Dracolich.

Once home Hilde, Melgarin, and I decide to make their way to the office of Captain Skellerang. I used my amazing skills of diplomacy and totally convince Anthony to let us go see Captain Skellerang. Anthony was happy to let us by and wasn't interested in me sexually or anything. Melgarin and Hilde were in awe of the diplomacy on display and became instantly slacked jawed at the amazing skill on display. Captain Skellerang instantly recognized me and has heard of the many tales of heroism and offers him an amazing opportunity to clean up a bad part of the city. After offering thousands of gold, I decline due to a much more pressing matter to attend to. I explain the situation with the Shackleborn and the Cartwright but Captain Skellerang does not have any useful information. He asks me for my autograph before I leave but humbly decline and leave with my two underlings.

Once reunited with the rest of my team I decide we should seek out advice from a local leader. Malgarin suggest we go to the Temple of Weejas. I remind him that probably isn't a good idea since we brought the “pain” to their temple recently. I suggest we instead we go see my old pal Jenya. She is probably pretty made that I skipped out on her so I decide to disguise myself so she doesn't reconize me. The disguise works so well, it even manages to confuse Hilde and Elanor. I pretend to be a new member of the team call “Boskid” and start to elicit information out of Jenya. She is totally buying the disguise and gives all the information needed. She informs the group that the spell indicated that the cage is a powerful focus for a ritual and bla bla bla.

I decide we should go to the country club but and on the way there, I notice a very attractive Elf Druid following us. Since I for sure knew the Elf Druid was following us, I approached her with the diplomacy of a thousand men and managed to charm her into revealing her true intentions which was to get my autograph. I decline again because I am very humble and we all move on into the country club.

Inside the country club, I see three individuals, including one of the guys who was locked in the cells with the adventurers beneath J'zad Herun (Meerthan Eliothlorn). He explains that “Fario Ellegoth” has been taken prisoner and he needs help taking down 1000 people. Since I know this will be a difficult quest, I tell the lovely Elf Druid to stay here for her own safety while i take on this nasty crew on no gooders. She faints instantly from this heroic behavior and my team is off to right more wrongs in the world.

We make our way over to the The Brass Trumpet where everyone looks to me for a plan. Elanor heads upstairs, Hilde summons a monster and Melgarin awaits further commands as I burst in and take down wave after wave of baddies.

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