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Velma's Special Skills

Session Date: 12-02-2022

Players: Josh, Mary, Maggie, Chris & Logan

Background: Velma uses her special skill to get information out of Grull. He tells Velma of a meet at a Casino that is going to take place to get Miles to help the Unseen supply weapon, drugs and such.

Miles Skelkallan - Crime boss of Lockport

The Tower; Patrick Vale - Leader of the Unseen.

The Star; Leyla Alami - Captain of the Unseen and owner of Alami Alchemicals

The Building Inspectors decide to go and reason with Miles before the meet.

The Score: Velma and Melfina meet with Miles but he come under attack by Iron Born. They try to warn him but he thinks they are there to kill him. Velma and Melfina escape and Artemist take our Miles as he attempts to escape.

Post: With Miles dead, the Building Inspectors plan to pretend to be Miles and show up at the meet.

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