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Art Treasures from Tagata

(offers 100,000 credits for each)

Black Bird statuette, untitled, artist unknown, gold covered with enamel, 15 kg., location unknown

“Portrait of a Tsath” by Fa'aili, acrylic painting on synthetic board, said to be in the Aitele museum

“Victory” statue by Tusiata, in a private home in the city of Kapisi

• “Pale Mask” by Potu, origami sculpture, in the Castaine Collection

Castaine mansion at Vaipogisa

• “Nebula” by Tama, digital hologram, atop the Paneta Tower in Faitotoa

Military Equipment

Gauss Rifles with power packs, ammunition, and spare parts. Wants at least 400 weapons to allow for breakage, training, etc. Will pay 1500 credits per weapon.

• Plasma Guns with power and spare parts. Wants at least 30 weapons. Will pay 10,000 credits each.

• Combat Armor suits, preferably with chameleon surface. Wants at least 30 suits. Will pay 20,000 credits per suit.

• Powered Battledress Armor. Wants at least 15 suits with spare parts. Will pay 200,000 per suit.

• Does not want military gear delivered through the starport.