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Dax Yalister 5A5698 Age 46 Cr 0
1 terms Flyer (Flight Leader),5 terms Bureaucrat (Manager),1 terms Rogue
Skills: Grav Vehicles,3,Gambling,1,Pilot,1,Wpn:Halberd,3,Instruction,4,Wpn:SMG,4,Streetwise,1
Gear: Wpn:Halberd,1,Retirement Pay,4000,Watch,1,Low Passage Ticket,1,High Passage Ticket,2

Dax Yalister is a Zandian native. He earned several quick promotions at the Air Force, before transferring to the secret police, where he spent several tours as an instructor. After retiring, he spent a few years freelancing as a partner with a Zandian private security group. Unfortunately, most of his assets were lost when the new Royal government disbanded and seized the group.

Gained +1 Soc, Improved SOC by 1, Mustering out., Learned Grav Vehicles, Skill “VehicleS04” needs to be specified, Learned VehicleS04, Learned Wpn:SMG, Skill “Gun” needs to be specified, Learned Gun, Aged to 46, survived crisis, —– Rogue Term 1 —–, Learned Streetwise, Joined Rogue, Gained Cr0, Gained -, Gained High Psg, Acquired High Passage Ticket, Gained High Psg, Acquired High Passage Ticket, Gained -, Gained Low Psg, Acquired Low Passage Ticket, Gained Watch, Acquired Watch, Acquired Retirement Pay, Mustering out., Learned Wpn:SMG, Skill “Gun” needs to be specified, Learned Gun, Decreased STR by -1, Aged to 42, Failed to promote, survived crisis, —– Bureaucrat Term 5 —–, Learned Wpn:SMG, Skill “Gun” needs to be specified, Learned Gun, Decreased DEX by -1, Aged to 38, Failed to promote, survived crisis, —– Bureaucrat Term 4 —–, Learned Wpn:SMG, Skill “Gun” needs to be specified, Learned Gun, Learned Wpn:Halberd, Skill “Blade” needs to be specified, Learned Blade, Decreased CON by -1, Decreased DEX by -1, Decreased STR by -1, Aged to 34, Promoted to Manager, survived crisis, —– Bureaucrat Term 3 —–, Learned Instruction, Learned Instruction, Aged to 30, Promoted to Asst Manager, survived crisis, —– Bureaucrat Term 2 —–, Learned Grav Vehicles, Skill “VehicleS04” needs to be specified, Learned VehicleS04, Learned Instruction, Learned Instruction, Learned Wpn:Halberd, Skill “Blade” needs to be specified, Learned Blade, Aged to 26, Promoted to Supervisor, Achieved the position of Clerk, survived crisis, —– Bureaucrat Term 1 —–, Joined Bureaucrat, Pick a new service…, Failed to join Sailor, Learned Wpn:Halberd, Gear “Blade needs to be specified, Acquired Blade, Gear “Weapon needs to be specified, Gained Weapon, Acquired Weapon, Acquired Wpn:Halberd, Gear “Blade needs to be specified, Acquired Blade, Gear “Weapon needs to be specified, Gained Weapon, Acquired Weapon, Mustering out., Failed to reenlist, Learned Pilot, Learned Gambling, Improved CON by 1, Improved STR by 1, Learned Grav Vehicles, Skill “AirCraft” needs to be specified, Aged to 22, Promoted to Flight Leader, Achieved the position of Pilot, survived crisis, —– Flyer Term 1 —–, Learned AirCraft, Joined Flyer, Dax Yalister started character creation with UPP 6C5697