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Lab Notes

Regarding recent experiments, the squid tossed in a leafy salad has proved a partial success. While the recipe I feel turned out successful the crew seemed reluctant to sample the dish. Further investigation implied that my reputation from earlier experiments (see prior notes: ‘The fishermen Incident’). Attempts to persuade them that squid had nothing to do with that event and in fact the grilled tuna was enjoyed by all proved largely unsuccessful. To quote crewman Falling Boulder of the Sea “We’ll sail the ship, not sample your cooking” and less tactful crewman Dangerous Tidal Basin (an overly optimistic name if there was one) “Keep your poisons away from us you psychotic witch”. A limited number of crew sampled the dish, providing a limited sample size but some feedback. Immediate conclusion: determine a ships cook to work as a proxy for this line of experiments. Also I believe Dangerous Tidal Basin has volunteered for future away missions.

Other work: Review of recent observations (see prior notes: ‘Orderly’ and ‘Muddy Reefs Manse Construction’) has implied a method of crafting beyond abilities I readily conceive. Given the results (see prior notes: ‘First Monsoon’ and ‘Muddy Reefs Manse Construction’) possessing the ability to manipulate reality in such a way may prove useful. However, there is some doubt on the ultimate success of such a method on long term goals. This again runs up against the persistent problem that the availability of such capabilities for the general populous, I’m increasingly curious how the abilities from the legendary ‘first age’ existed. It strikes me likely that the first age wonders were built from the average person, for lack of a better concept compressed into bricks and built into the flying fortresses and whatnot. This is problematic; it means it will be difficult at best to recreate the wonders from that time even if I knew precisely how. This leaves me with realization that the very things I seek will simply lead to what I desire to prevent.