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So because I would like to minimize the chance of getting stabbed with a spear again, here is what I have learned:
First point, if a group of so called mercenaries is willing to accept what was effectively twice a fisherman’s expected earnings there is a good chance they aren’t actually mercenaries. They are fishermen. In regards to this, while I get Muddy Reefs doesn’t usually hunt down petty pirates (considering it seems half the ships here are pirates) need to convince Brilliant Parakeet to next time pay more to recruit more seasoned help.
Second point, while the academics of commanding a force make sense there are a large number of intangibles. Especially when a bunch of fishermen realize that maybe their get rich quick scheme was not the best of plans and might involve actual danger . Also seriously now, everyone in this damned town knows I went zombie hunting a month ago. I’ve seen the looks, why this lot did not run off in fear when I offered to hire them is beyond me. In any case, it occurs to me why most military leaders use inspiring speeches and the like as opposed to the combination stimulant and painkiller (with some hallucinatory effects) that I concocted. While the drugs solved the one problem it did lead to me needing to perform hastily medical aid to one of my truly brilliant soldiers who ignored my express orders not to drink more than a mouthful. Was tempted use him as an example but morale was already enough of a problem.
Third point, stimulant drugs do reduce the encouragement needed for a bunch of untrained fishermen-mercenaries to charge the pirate encampment. They do not improve their ability to actually fight. Also while it would be in interesting challenge to try to heal someone in several pieces those pieces were mangled in a pile of other pieces. As a corollary, a farming scythe tends to create interesting wounds. Especially to the one wielding said weapon.
Fourth point, fourteen untrained fishermen-mercenaries versus fourteen untrained fishermen-pirates results in high losses for both sides.
Fifth point, tuna grilled with lemon and an a set of spices from the east is very tasty, will need to remember that for future lunch needs.
Sixth point, when only six untrained fishermen-mercenaries hopped up on a combination stimulant and painkiller (with some hallucinatory effects) remain (that pirate with the scythe was highly effective against all involved, including himself) they become mad with grief and attempt to attack their leader for not saving them (My orders were not to charge the middle of the pirate encampment, but did they listen? Of course not.) This did not go well for them but it did end up with myself getting stabbed with a spear. That hurt.
Seventh point, while losing almost your entire crack force of untrained fishermen mercenaries saves on post combat expenses it does cause ones reputation to be reinforced. And to think I even saved two of them. Had I not been there they would have died from wounds brought on from being stabbed with my sword. That’s gratitude for you.