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A talented hunter and master of the bow, he seeks glory and an audience to appreciate it.
Brad knows he is the greatest woodsman in the West, and enjoys the audience and appreciation it merits him with his fellow townsfolk, who spend their lives facing the sea. His greatest dream has been to travel the world to prove himself in other lands (and star in more stories), and the opportunity may have just presented itself beyond his wildest dreams, which is saying something. Brad won't hesitate to seize it by the horns.
Brad is of medium height and build, with skin a little less bronzed than his fellow island-dwellers (given his time in the small woods of Emerald Point). His green hair is somewhat darker than others of the West, almost even showing brown. His joy travelling through the woods, and general avoidance of the sea, has kept his features less rugged than the townsfolk, as well.
As with many in the West, Brad was born to a family that saw its life intertwined with the sea. His father and uncles were fisherman, his mother gathered kelp, and one of his aunts was a reasonably well-established jewelry-maker. (more to come)