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“Do me a favor, don't get that checked out so it'll get infected.”

“See, it got infected with AXE!”-Zach

“I also piss everything off in a radius around me!” -Quinn

“Yes. Yes You do.” -Laurelin

“Push a Zombie into Zack. Rub a zombie on him.” -Laurelin

“How can you deny the technicalities?” -Zach

“You know, I'm not technically housebroken.” -Quinn

“You grab it!”

“No, you grab it!”

“I can't, my dress will get dirty.”

“And then Orderly's brother Statistics will show up and go 'Blerg-a-blerg, tentacles.'”

“They are very far away.” –Quinn

“That's okay, we have [an abundance of] fruit.” –Meri

“And there's a small bacon farm over here…” -Josh

“We have done well pulling out before.” -Zach