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Strength: 7 Dexterity: 5 Stamina: 5

Charisma: 3 Manipulation: 1 Appearance: 2

Perception: 4 Intelligence: 3 Wits: 3

Virtues: Compassion: 1 Conviction: 2 Temperance: 4 Valor: 3

Willpower: 7

Health Levels: -0/-1×2/-2×3/-4/I

Attack Bite: Speed: 6 Accuracy: 10 Damage: 9L (7 Strength +2L Bite weapon) Rate: 1

Defense: Dodge DV: 4 Soak: +8B/+5L

Abilities: Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 4, Investigation 1, Martial Arts 4, Presence 2 (Intimidation +2), Resistance 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3 (Tracking +3). Lore 1 (+3 First Age or earlier)

The Wolf's Mind