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Dougan's Hole

Dougan’s Hole is the smallest and most insular of the ten towns. Its residents aren’t fond of visitors, and inbreeding has caused the population to dwindle in recent years. It also has given rise to often-seen physical deformities, including but not limited to small, misshapen ears and slightly pointed teeth.

The town is a small cluster of dwellings perched on the edge of Redwaters that is too small to support any industry—not even scrimshaw. Ice has buckled the shorter of its two piers, rendering the dock unsafe. The longer pier has two icebound keelboats tethered to it, though they’re immobile because Auril’s winter has frozen the surface of the lake for hundreds of yards around them. Local fishers have hauled their smaller boats onto the shore and resorted to cutting holes in the ice to catch Knucklehead Trout, which they depend on for Survival. Visitors to Dougan’s Hole are often struck by the eeriness of dark, Humanoid shapes out on the ice, remaining silent and still as the wind howls around them.