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Coins 170 pp, 3800 gp, 32000 sp Gems Alexandrite (300 gp) Aquamarine (700 gp) Azurite (10 gp) Banded Agate (14 gp) Black Pearl (700 gp) Chrysoberyl (120 gp) Citrine (70 gp) Deep Blue Spinel (700 gp) Golden Pearl (100 gp) Onyx (50 gp) Red Spinel (140 gp) Rose Quartz (60 gp) Smoky Quartz (80 gp) Violet Garnet (500 gp) Violet Garnet (700 gp) Total value = 4244 gp

Art Objects Bronze Framed Painting (1800 gp) Carved Wooden Staff studded with Electrum (1000 gp) Chrysoprase Necklace (900 gp) Dragonscale Talisman (200 gp) Marble Dice (pair) set with Azurite (900 gp) Rabbit Fur Belt (130 gp) Rosewood Goblet (200 gp) Rosewood Holy Symbol (of a Goddess of Ice) (100 gp) Tooled Leather Gloves set with Onyx (1200 gp) Total value = 6430 gp

Magic Items Arcane Scroll (Erase (25 gp), Obscuring Mist (25 gp)) (total 50 gp) Arcane Scroll (Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law (25 gp), True Strike (25 gp)) (total 50 gp) Arcane Scroll (Cure Moderate Wounds (200 gp)) (total 200 gp) Arcane Scroll (Disguise Self (25 gp), Bull's Strength (150 gp), Levitate (150 gp)) (total 325 gp) Divine Scroll (Detect Animals or Plants (25 gp), Shield of Faith (25 gp), Delay Poison (150 gp)) (total 200 gp) Ioun Stone (pink and green sphere) (8000 gp) (design provides clue to function) Potion of Cure Light Wounds (50 gp) Wand of Lightning Bolt (5th) (41 of 50 charges) (design provides clue to function) (9225 gp)