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Skaven's spellbook has the following spells:
0—all cantrips (except daze);
1st—alarm, arcane lock, detect secret doors, detect undead, identify, mage armor, silent image, unseen servant, burning hands, chill touch, comprehend languages, hold portal, magic missile, true strike
2nd—arcane lock, blindness/deafness, blur, locate object, scare, spider climb, summon monster II, whispering wind, detect thoughts, ghoul touch, invisibility, scorching ray, see invisibility
3rd—dispel magic, gentle repose, sepia snake sigil, tongues, water breathing, clairaudience/clairvoyance, displacement, lightning holt, vampiric touch;
4th—fear, locate creature, scrying, arcane eye, phantasmal killer, shout, greater invisibility,