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Skaven's Journal PDF

Decoded Passages

3 Goodmonth 590

Dngobras was here today. For the first time we spoke with the giant in person. He will bring the cages he’s building soon. He also payed. That’s exactly what we need. Steady source of income. I can probably soon get new books for my share and continue my long-overdue project. We’ll soon have to do the first ritual to finalize the prototype. We are prepared.

4 Hocktime 592

I really do appreciate her intimidating ways. She had stood up to Grehlia and convinced her to summon Dngobras yet another time as he wasn’t perfectly clear about which size the 5th cage whould become. He won’t be happy, but if we are to finish them in time, he will have to concede to this argument.

15 Coldeven 594

Today Fetor payed us a visit and asked about our progress with the cages. It must be of some importance if they send such an important messenger. We better get our things done properly.

5 Wealsun 594

Tomorrow we’ll finally deliver all the remaining cages. I guess we must be close to our payday. I will have to stay back here to monitor the Triad’s progress. Anyway, noone save Grehlia knows where my real alliance lies. And I’m not gonna tell them.