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city:main [2021/05/08 00:33]
melgarin [The Story So Far]
city:main [2022/02/12 03:16] (current)
melgarin [The Story So Far]
Line 94: Line 94:
   * [[Session 71]]: A Chickenshit Morkoth and Three Vrocks   * [[Session 71]]: A Chickenshit Morkoth and Three Vrocks
-== Chapter Ten ==+== Thirteen Cages ==
   * [[Session 72]]: Farastu Demodands for Everyone!   * [[Session 72]]: Farastu Demodands for Everyone!
-  * [[Session 73]]: +  * [[Session 73]]: Kelubar what? 
 +  * [[Session 74]]: Moltonwing kills Melgarin  
 +  * [[Session 75]]: The Shrine of the Carcerian Eye 
 +  * [[Session 76]]: Dyr'ryd? Who dat? 
 +  * [[Session 77]]: Spells for all my enemies! 
 +  * [[Session 78]]:  
 +  * [[Session 79]]: The material plane is saved! 
 +== Chapter Eleven ==
 +  * [[Session 80]]: The Refugee Crisis
 +  * [[Session 81]]: To The Shatterhorn!
 +  * [[Session 82]]: Hilde kills all
 +  * [[Session 83]]: Load Save Game?
 +  * [[Session 84]]: 
 +  * [[Session 85]]: 
 +  * [[Session 86]]: Maybe try turning in the vampire for breaking the masquerade? That's how you kill vampires in D&D right?
 +  * [[Session 87]]: Embril and Spellweaver?
 +  * [[Session 88]]: 
 ====Characters==== ====Characters====
 === Player Characters === === Player Characters ===
Line 104: Line 119:
   * [[Loskid]]   * [[Loskid]]
       * [[Loskid Adventures|Loskid's Diary:]] What Actually Happened; A Totally Unbiased View       * [[Loskid Adventures|Loskid's Diary:]] What Actually Happened; A Totally Unbiased View
-  * [[Elanor Underhill]] +  * [[Elanor Underhill]]
   * [[Hilde the Painter]]   * [[Hilde the Painter]]