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Wade Fernandez EAA87B Age 42 Cr 200000 1 terms Sailor (Lieutenant),3 terms Barbarian (Warrior),1 terms Diplomat (3d Secretary),1 terms Noble (Knight) Skills: Gravitics,1,Demolition,2,Mechanical,1,Wpn:Sword,5,Carousing,2,Liason,1,Wpn:SMG,1 Gear: High Passage Ticket,3,Wpn:Sword,1,Low Passage Ticket,1

Wade Fernandez enlisted in the Navy right out of high school. His actual experience failing to live up to his romanticized view of it, he left as soon as his term was up and moved to the desert to live the life of a noble savage. This too was an experience more enjoyable as fantasy than reality, but he had little way to leave. Eventually, he was swept up by Golzar's forces and pressed into service as an interpreter. The involuntary second term offered him a way out though. After returning firmly to the comforts of civilization, he wrote a series of semi-autobiographical novels and starred in a miniseries based on it, ending up as a minor celebrity.

Gained Cr100000, Gained Cr100000, Mustering out., Failed to reenlist, Improved STR by 1, Improved DEX by 1, Improved CON by 1, Decreased CON by -1, Aged to 42, Failed to promote, Improved SOC by 1, Achieved the position of Knight, survived crisis, —– Noble Term 1 —–, Joined Noble, Gained +1 Social, Improved SOC by 1, Gained Low Psg, Acquired Low Passage Ticket, Mustering out., Learned Wpn:SMG, Skill “Gun” needs to be specified, Learned Gun, Improved INT by 1, Improved STR by 1, Decreased DEX by -1, Aged to 38, Failed to promote, Achieved the position of 3d Secretary, survived crisis, —– Diplomat Term 1 —–, Learned Liason, Joined Diplomat, Learned Wpn:Sword, Gear “Blade needs to be specified, Gained Blade, Acquired Blade, Learned Wpn:Sword, Gear “Blade needs to be specified, Gained Blade, Acquired Blade, Learned Wpn:Sword, Gear “Blade needs to be specified, Gained Blade, Acquired Blade, Acquired Wpn:Sword, Gear “Blade needs to be specified, Gained Blade, Acquired Blade, Gained High Psg, Acquired High Passage Ticket, Mustering out., Improved STR by 1, Improved DEX by 1, Decreased DEX by -1, Aged to 34, Promoted to Warrior, survived crisis, —– Barbarian Term 3 —–, Improved STR by 1, Improved CON by 1, Aged to 30, Promoted to Warrior, survived crisis, —– Barbarian Term 2 —–, Improved CON by 1, Improved STR by 1, Learned Carousing, Learned Carousing, Learned Wpn:Sword, Skill “Blade” needs to be specified, Aged to 26, Learned Blade, Promoted to Warrior, Achieved a position of responsibility within Barbarian, survived crisis, —– Barbarian Term 1 —–, Learned Wpn:Sword, Joined Barbarian, Gained High Psg, Acquired High Passage Ticket, Gained High Psg, Acquired High Passage Ticket, Mustering out., Failed to reenlist, Learned Demolition, Learned Mechanical, Learned Demolition, Learned Gravitics, Aged to 22, Promoted to Lieutenant, Achieved the position of Ensign, survived crisis, —– Sailor Term 1 —–, Joined Sailor, Wade Fernandez started character creation with UPP 9A8779