Leo Creed

Leo Creed   122398   Age 66   Cr 0 
7 terms Sailor (Admiral),5 terms Bureaucrat (Director)
Skills: Mechanical,3,Navigation,1,Hovercraft,3,Electronic,4,Demolition,1,Gravitics,2,Wpn:Sword,1,Wpn:Laser Carbine,1,Instruction,2,Admin,5,Jack-of-all-Trades,1,Computer,2
Gear: Retirement Pay,12000,High Passage Ticket,7,Wpn:Sword,1,Mid Passage Ticket,1,Watch,1

Creed was a sailor in the Zandian Navy. He rose through the ranks as a maintainer and eventually ran the logistics division. He eventually retired from the ZDN, and moved into a civilian oversight position. There, he oversaw procurement of various systems until he eventually hit mandatory retirement age and was forced out.