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traveller:lara_kowalski [2024/11/06 05:52]
traveller:lara_kowalski [2024/11/06 05:52] (current)
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-Lara Kowalski   B89B78   Age 46   Cr 0 \ +Lara Kowalski   B89B78   Age 46   Cr 0 \
-2 terms Sailor (Lt Cmdr),1 terms Flyer (Flight Leader),4 terms Hunter\ +2 terms Sailor (Lt Cmdr),1 terms Flyer (Flight Leader),4 terms Hunter\
-Skills: Communications,1,Auto Rifle,7,Battle Dress,2,Demolition,1,Mechanical,1,Grav Vehicles,1,Hunting,1,Pike,1\+Skills: Communications,1,Auto Rifle,7,Battle Dress,2,Demolition,1,Mechanical,1,Grav Vehicles,1,Hunting,1,Pike,1\\
 Gear: Low Passage Ticket,3,Auto Rifle,1,High Passage Ticket,2 \ Gear: Low Passage Ticket,3,Auto Rifle,1,High Passage Ticket,2 \