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Ianto Crichton A798BB Age 38 Cr 0
1 terms Barbarian,1 terms Sailor (Lieutenant),1 terms Diplomat (3d Secretary),2 terms Scientist,1 terms Noble (Knight)
Skills: Wpn:Sword,1,Tactics,1,Instruction,1,Jack-of-all-Trades,2,Demolition,3,Electronic,1,Liason,4,Admin,3,Computer,1,Leader,1,Medical,1
Gear: Wpn:Sword,1,Low Passage Ticket,1,High Passage Ticket,2,Mid Passage Ticket,1,Yacht,2

Ianto “Two-Yachts” Crichton

Gained Yacht, Acquired Yacht, Gained Yacht, Acquired Yacht, Mustering out., Learned Liason, Learned Admin, Learned Jack-of-all-Trades, Decreased CON by -1, Decreased STR by -1, Aged to 38, Failed to promote, Improved SOC by 1, Achieved the position of Knight, survived crisis, —– Noble Term 1 —–, Joined Noble, Pick a new service…, Failed to join Doctor, Gained High Psg, Acquired High Passage Ticket, Gained Mid Psg, Acquired Mid Passage Ticket, Mustering out., Learned Medical, Decreased CON by -1, Decreased DEX by -1, Aged to 34, survived crisis, —– Scientist Term 2 —–, Rolled a 12. Must reenlist, may not leave or retire this term, Learned Admin, Learned Leader, Aged to 30, survived crisis, —– Scientist Term 1 —–, Learned Computer, Joined Scientist, Gained +1 Social, Improved SOC by 1, Gained +2 Educ, Improved EDU by 2, Mustering out., Failed to reenlist, Learned Admin, Learned Liason, Learned Liason, Aged to 26, Failed to promote, Achieved the position of 3d Secretary, survived crisis, —– Diplomat Term 1 —–, Learned Liason, Joined Diplomat, Gained +1 Educ, Improved EDU by 1, Gained High Psg, Acquired High Passage Ticket, Mustering out., Failed to reenlist, Learned Demolition, Learned Demolition, Learned Electronic, Learned Demolition, Aged to 22, Promoted to Lieutenant, Achieved the position of Ensign, survived crisis, —– Sailor Term 1 —–, Joined Sailor, Gained Low Psg, Acquired Low Passage Ticket, Acquired Wpn:Sword, Gear “Blade needs to be specified, Gained Blade, Acquired Blade, Mustering out., Learned Jack-of-all-Trades, Learned Instruction, Learned Tactics, Aged to 18, Failed to promote, Achieved a position of responsibility within Barbarian, survived crisis, —– Barbarian Term 1 —–, Learned Wpn:Sword, Joined Barbarian, Ianto Crichton started character creation with UPP B8B889