====General Golzar==== General of the armies on the outface. Reportedly part of the Emperor's inner coterie. Collects artifacts from the tribes, especially ones that he has wiped out. He is "roly-poly", with an elaborate uniform and a five-finned mask. Kriton has an in with him from recovering the vasrah. Keeps his bargains, very hard on others who break theirs. Rewards those who serve him well, but a terrible man if crossed. Likes his luxuries - all sorts and many. Very much in the news, obviously image-managed. Ruthless. Most successful general (in the press, at least). Trying to pacify tribes, which were previously personally loyal to former imperium. ==== Golzar's Forces ==== Planet is early starflight, but army is behind. Essentially TL8. Main vehicles are hovercraft (ground effect). Poor air support. Jet and SSTO air/space fighters. "Emperor's elite guard" has higher tech. Especially beastmen (Aslan).