
Rodo Darkiron
Sorcerer 5 Illian Dwarf Lawful Good
HP 22 Speed 20 BAB +2
Melee +1 Ranged +4 Grapple +1
Ability StatMod AC13
STR8 -1Touch12
DEX14 +2Flat-Footed11
CON13 +1Saves
INT16 +3Fortitude +2
WIS9 -1Reflex +3
CHA18 +4Will +3


Skill Total Ranks Ability Misc
Appraise(int) 10 0 3 +4 Racial, +3 ??
Balance(dex) 2 0 2
Bluff(cha) 16 8 4 +4 Racial
Climb(str) -1 0 -1
Concentration(con) 5 4 1
Craft(int) 5 0 3 +2 Racial
Decipher Script(int) 3 0 3
Diplomacy(cha) 10 4 4 +2 synergy
Disable Device(int) 3 0 3
Disguise(cha) 4 0 4
Escape Artist(dex) 2 0 2
Forgery(int) 3 0 3
Gather Information(cha) 4 0 4
Handle Animal(cha) 4 0 4
Heal(wis) -1 0 -1
Hide(dex) 2 0 2
Intimidate(cha) 8 2 4 +2 synergy
Jump(str) -1 0 -1
Listen(wis) -1 0 -1
Move Silently(dex) 2 0 2
Open Lock(dex) 2 0 2
Perform(cha) 4 0 4
Profession(wis) -1 0 -1
Ride(dex) 2 0 2
Search(int) 3 0 3
Sense Motive(wis) +3 0 -1 +4 Racial
Sleight of Hand(dex) 4 1 1 +2 synergy
Spellcraft(int) 11 6 3 +2 synergy
Spot(wis) -1 0 -1
Survival(wis) -1 0 -1
Swim(str) -1 0 -1
Tumble(dex) 2 0 2
Use Magic Device(cha) 8 4 4
Use Rope(dex) 2 0 2
Knowledge(Arcana) 8 5 3
Knowledge(Dwarven History) 6 3 3
Knowledge(Gnomish Teakettles) 5 2 3
Knowledge(Obscure Books) 8 5 3

Languages: Common, Gnome, Elven, Dwarven.


Item Weight(lbs)
Hewards Handy Haversack 5
27 Pts Oil 27
Spell Component Pouch 2
Wizard's Spellbook 3
Signet Ring -
Light Crossbow 4
15 Bolts 2
Quarterstaff 4
Ink -
Pen -
Flint&Steel -
Cure Light Potion x2 -
Scroll: Shocking Grasp -
Knock -
Scroll: Command Undead -
Smokestick x4 -
Shrieker Fungus -


Known Per Day Bonus DC
066 - 14
146 1 15
500 19
600 20
700 21
800 22
900 23

Spells Known:
0: Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Mage Hand.
1: Grease, Summon Monster 1, Charm Person, Ray of Enfeeblement.
2: Summon Monster 2, Control Undead.
