Just below the waves floats a large disc of soil, dozens of yards across. From it grow thousands of lotus blossoms, crowding together to form a veritable carpet of fragrance. There are so many that you could walk on them without wetting your feet. Ahead, a single, gigantic bud emerges from the ocean, right at the edge of the living carpet. As you watch, it blooms, folding back translucent petals to reveal the figure inside.
What Blooms Beneath is a large manse built (or grown) in the shape of an enormous lotus plant. It has extensive living space in the root area, and the blossom rises or sinks beneath the waves with up to five passengers, and can carry them below to the roots, nearly a half-mile underwater. The roots are largely buried in the sea floor, but protrude up into the water. Where it does, the walls are thinner and transparent, giving the effect of undersea viewing domes.
The roots are split into three sections, with five interconnecting hallways running throughout. What Blooms Beneath includes living space for thirty people, extensive medical facilities, a library focused on medicine, with extensive archives and records, and a large and elaborate indoor archery range. Though not truly aware, it will act in response to shaping effects or to mental commands from the hearthstone bearer.
The entire structure, and the area around it can be shaped as though in the Wyld. This is not permanent however, and without constant concentration, it will revert back to its regular form.
There is a sealed entrance to root filaments beneath the archery range which contain Orderly's Staff Grace (forged into a powerbow, set with a Gladewalker's Stone). Access is possible through an airlock which will cycle open for the hearthstone bearer, or can be opened with a Strength+Athletics of 25. It opens to the outside, so caution is advisable.
The hearthstone room is below the library, and is accessed similarly, but is not open to the outside. The room is a muddy cave, full of air. There is no indication that it is underwater, and the cave is well lit, though dim and without an obvious light source. A tangle of roots ruses from the mud, forming a rough pedestal where the hearthstone goes. There is an ornately carved orichalcum ring placed on top of the pedestal.