==== Episode 1 ==== Party is sailing in a tiny ship. Let them see a flotilla in the distance. One ship peels off and comes after them, the rest head northeast, toward Coral. Party probably gets attacked (or maybe temporary alliance?). Ship has two dragon bloods, and a bunch of mooks. The water db hangs back and tries to hole their ship, the fire charges at them over the water and swords them right in the face. Fire db owns a hearthstone compass and a water walking hearthstone. the flotilla had attacked the pirates from earlier, and taken them captive. Pirates had a medicine hearthstone, and this ship was going to track it back. Medicine hearthstone is from another seed, which the pirates had raided earlier. It was a similar small island, but this one was a slaughter, and everyone from the monastery there is dead. There is a small village which has a few dozen survivors.