======Copper Orchid====== Orchid was orphaned shortly before the Soothing Waves Monastery was completed. She was raised almost entirely within it's walls, mostly by the somewhat absent-minded Foolish Moth (A moth once burned by the candle is wise, twice is brave, but three times is merely foolish). Her brother is [[Soul of the Waves]]. She often sits by the shore waiting for him to return, and one day hopes to accompany him. Orchid is tall and beautiful, with copper-red hair. She is naturally likable and friendly with everyone. [[https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7yaH9HDCWueM2Y2ZjFhMTMtMzdhYi00NGViLWFlZDItZWVjOTIxYzU1ZThh|Stat Sheet]] ======Stats====== ===== Essence ==== • • • o o o o ^Personal Pool^Peripheral Pool^ |15|36| ===== Willpower ===== • • • • • • o o o o ===== Virtues ===== ^ Compassion ^^ Temperance ^^ Conviction ^^ Valor ^^ | ••ooo || ••ooo || ••••o || •oooo || ===== Limit ===== **Heart of Flint** The characters's heart hardens to all emotion. She feels and expresses no emotions: not robotic, but lacking all empathy and feeling. The character considers only efficiency in choosing her course of action, and her reduced tact imposes a two-die penalty to Social rolls involving face-to-face interactions. **Partial Control:** The character's emotions are significantly muted but still present. She still suffers a two-die penalty to Social rolls involving face-to-face interaction, and her primary motivation is still efficiency, but she will avoid doing anything to which she has strong emotions. **Duration:** One full day **Limit Break Conidition:** The character is frustrated by the intemperate or childish nature of the world around her. ===== Attributes ===== ^ Physical ^^ Social ^^ Mental ^^ | Strength|•oooo oo| Charisma|••••o oo| Perception|••••o oo| | Dexterity|•••oo oo| Manipulation|•oooo oo| Intelligence|•••oo oo| | Stamina|•••oo oo| Appearance|••••o oo| Wits|••••o oo| ===== Abilities ===== ^ Dawn ^^ Zenith ^^ Twilight ^^ Night ^^ Eclipse ^^ | Archery|ooooo oo| Integrity|••ooo oo| Craft|ooooo oo| Athletics|•oooo oo| Bureaucracy|ooooo oo| | Martial Arts|••ooo oo| Performance|•••oo oo| Investigation|•oooo oo| Awareness|••ooo oo| Linguistics|••ooo oo| | Melee|ooooo oo| Presence|•••oo oo| Lore|•oooo oo| Dodge|••••o oo| Ride|ooooo oo| | Thrown|ooooo oo| Resistance|•oooo oo| Medicine|ooooo oo| Larceny|ooooo oo| Sail|•oooo oo| | War|ooooo oo| Survival|ooooo oo| Occult|••••o oo| Stealth|ooooo oo| Socialize|•••oo oo| ===== Social Combat ===== ^ Join Debate ^ Dodge MDV ^ | 6 | 5 | ^ Attack ^ Speed ^ Hon. Attack ^ Hon. MDV ^ Dec. Attack ^ Dec. MDV ^ Rate ^^ |Presence| 4 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 || |Performance| 6 | 7 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 1 || |Investigation| 5 | 5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 || ===== Combat ===== ^Join Combat^Dodge DV^Knockdown Threshold^Knockdown Pool^Stunning Threshold^Stunning Pool^^ | 6 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 || ==== Arsenal ==== ^Name^Speed^Acc. Mod^Accuracy^Dam. Mod^Damage^Def. Type^Def. Mod^Defence^Rate^Range^Tags^^ |Punch| 5 | +1 | 6 | +0 | 1 | B | +2 | 4 | 3 | - | N || |Kick| 5 | +0 | 5 | +3 | 4 | B | -2 | 2 | 2 | - | N || |Clinch| 6 | +0 | 5 | +0 | 1 | B | +0 | 3 | 1 | - | C,N,P || |Invulnerable Skin of Bronze| - | - | - | +2 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - || |Wood Dragon's Claw| | | | | | | | | | | || ==== Panoply ==== ^Name^Soak B^ Soak L^Soak A^Hard B^Hard L^Mob.Pen.^Fatigue^^ |Natural Soak| 3 | 1 | - | - | - | - | - || |Invulnerable Skin of Bronze| 12 | 6 | - | 12 | 6 | - | - || |**Total**| **15** | **7** | **0** | **12** | **6** | **0** | **0** || ===== Movement & Health ===== ^Move^Dash^H Jump^V Jump^Health Levels^ | 3 | 9 | 4 | 2 | -0 | | 2 | 8 | 2 | 1 | -1 | | 1 | 5 | 0 | 0 | -2 | | 1 | 5 | 0 | 0 | -4 | | | | | | Incap. | ===== Backgrounds ===== ^ Contacts ^ Resources ^ Mentor ^ | •oooo | •••oo | •••oo | ===== Intimacies ===== * Soul of Waves (Brother) ===== Charms and Spells ===== ==== Charms ==== === Occult === * Second Occult Excellency * [[http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Spirit-Detecting_Glance#Second_Edition_Versions|Spirit-Detecting Glance]] * [[http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Spirit-Cutting_Attack|Spirit-Cutting Attack]] * [[http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Ghost-Eating_Technique|Ghost Eating Technique]] * [[http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:All-Encompassing_Sorcerer%27s_Sight#All-Encompassing_Sorcerer.27s_Sight|All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight]] ===Integrity=== *Integrity Protecting Prana === Performance === * [[http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Respect_Commanding_Attitude#Respect_Commanding_Attitude|Respect Commanding Attitude]] ===Resistance=== *Ox Body Technique === Dodge === * [[http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Shadow_Over_Water#Shadow_Over_Water|Shadow Over Water]] * [[http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php?title=Charms:Seven_Shadow_Evasion|Seven Shadow Evasion]] ==== Spells ==== === Terrestrial Circle === * Flight of the Brilliant Raptor * Invulnerable Skin of Bronze * Floral Ferry * Wood Dragon's Claw * Emerald Counter Magic * Emerald Circle Banishment * Mast Shattering Spell