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Basic Mechanics

the resolution mechanic

  • You have a bunch of stats.
  • Your stats look similar to “Gambling: 3d6+1”.
  • To see if you gamble well, you roll 3d6+1. Usually that's compared to a difficulty value set by the GM; sometimes it's opposed.
  • Whenever you roll dice, designate one of them as special (the “hero die”)
    • Example: if you rolled Gambling as above, you would roll two regular dice and one hero die. If you only roll one die, it is the hero die.
    • If the hero die result is 2, 3, 4, or 5, add it normally. Nothing weird happens.
    • If the hero die result is 6, add six to the total and roll it again. Keep rolling until it is not a six.
    • If the hero die result is 1, something bad happens. In general, remove the hero die and the next highest die result from the result. About 1/6th of the time, the GM is encouraged to introduce a complication instead.

There are two resources you have that affect the dice pool:

  • Character points may be spent to add 1 die per point to a result.
    • This is usually a bad plan, because character points otherwise drive permanent advancement.
    • You receive character points as xp; the rate is vaguely like 3 per game.
  • Force points double the size of your dice pool.
    • Unless you have force powers, they have no other use.
    • You start with one point.
    • If you spend one selfishly, it's gone.
    • If you spend one in a light-sidey way (totally undefined), you get one back at the end of the game.
    • If you spend one in a light-sidey way at a dramatically appropriate moment, you get it and an additional one back at the end of the game.

Character creation

Here is