======Lady Thifirane Rhiavaldi's Helpful Hints!====== //Being a Collection of Notes on Keeping a Tidy Home and Making People Be On Fire// ===Level 1=== * enlarge person * expeditious retreat * mage armor * magic missile * shield * unseen servant * feather fall * magic aura * reduce person ===Level 2=== * Arcane Lock * Darkvision * Knock * Alter Self * Bear's Endurance * Cat's Grace * Fox's Cunning * Scorching Ray * See Invisibility ===Level 3=== * fly * haste * lightening bolt * nondetection * slow * fireball * greater magic weapon * protection from energy * secret page ===Level 4=== * Dimensional Anchor * Fire Trap * Greater Invisibility * Mass Reduce Person * Scrying * Black Hentacles * Fire Shield * Resilient Sphere * Mnemonic Enhancer * Shout * Stoneskin ===Level 5=== * Baleful Polymorph * Private Sanctum * teleport * Wall of Force * Break Enchantment * Lesser Planar Binding * Permanency * Sending ===Level 6=== * Chain Lightening * Contingency * Flesh to Stone * Stone to Flesh * Disintegrate * Greater Dispel Magic * Mislead ===Level 7=== * Ethereal Jaunt * Forcecage * Greater Teleport * Limited Wish * Sequester * Simulacrum * Statue